Apr 22, 2014

Ask Applications. Help Uninstall EULA Privacy California Privacy Rights Uninstall EULA Privacy California Privacy Rights Activity controls Web & App Activity. Saves your activity on Google sites and apps, including associated info like location, to give you faster searches, better recommendations, and more personalized experiences in Maps, Search, and other Google services. YouTube History. Saves the YouTube videos you watch and the things you search for on YouTube to give you Payment History Page - my.calpers.ca.gov Payment History Page. Purpose. This page displays a list of your payments, including electronic payments and check payments. For each payment you can view information such as the payment authorization date, the payment amount, and the payment status. You …

Jan 07, 2000 · If you visited a site somewhere on the Internet and would like to return, but can't remember the URL, you can often find it in your history file. You can search for the site by the date visited, or by a text string search, and then double-click the entry to visit it.

View your browsing history in Safari Open the Safari browser. Click the History menu at the top of the screen. The menu lists recent pages from your browsing history, which you can Type inetcpl.cpl to open Internet Properties window. Under the General tab, and then under Browsing History, click Settings. Under Disk space to use, make sure the disk space is set to 250MB, and under History, make sure the Days to keep pages in history is set to 20. Note: If you don’t want a webpage history kept, set the number of days to 0. Keep showing your new searches on this page and use them in search suggestions Clear your search history This will clear your Bing search history on this device.

View and delete your browsing history in Internet Explorer

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